Data Services Hours
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Bizzell Memorial Library, Consultations @ OU Libraries
401 W Brooks St.
Norman, OK 73019
United States
Starting August 19, 2024, the location for Data Services Open Office Hours
and consultations will move from Lower Level II to Lower Level I.
The Data Services Unit, formerly known as the Data, Analytics, Visualization, and Informatics Syndicate, supports OU community members with their data needs. Consult with specialists and graduate assistants who are familiar with working with data, including management, analysis and visualization. With the ability to ask questions and receive guidance, Data Services is the focal point to help faculty, researchers, and students work with their data.
Topics Data Services Consults On
Information Specialists will host open office hours where faculty, graduate students and staff are encouraged to visit and ask questions.
Assistance is available for the following:
- Research data management and data plans
- DRYAD open access repository
- Open Science Framework open access repository
- Python and R for informatics
- Natural language analysis
- Web scraping
- Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
- High performance computing/working with OSCER
- OU’s high performance computing center
- Open Educational Resources
- SHAREOK institutional repository
- Research publication subvention funding
- Software and Data Carpentries
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)/maps
How to Connect with Data Services
Please contact the Research Data Specialist or the Information Specialist you are interested in working with directly to schedule an appointment.
Open Office Hours
The on-line Zoom links are available for virtual open office hour sessions. In-person drop-ins are held at Consultations @ OU Libraries in Lower Level I
Monday: 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
University Libraries Research and Data Workshops
OU Libraries offers workshops targeted to researchers of all levels (students, postdocs, faculty, and staff) to increase working efficiency with understanding of research and data better practices. Workshops focus on a broadly targeted mix of concepts and tools.
- Areas
- Survival Skills
- Better Practices
- Workflow Tools
- Library Instruction
E-mail Lists for Data Services News/Office Hour changes and UL Workshops
Several email lists have been created for those who are interested in receiving more information regarding up-coming University Libraries workshops and news and hours related to Data Services. In addition, changes in the open office hours will be sent to the list. You can add and/or remove your email from these lists at your convenience. Data Services email list signup. UL workshops email list signup.
Important Links
Wi-Fi Access

Wi-Fi access is available in all rooms of the library. Instructors and students can access the internet by wirelessly connecting to the University's wi-fi network.