Each year, we host class visits to the 5th floor Special Collections from OU academic departments and programs as well as from local universities.
- Examples of class visits from previous years are listed below. These provide a glimpse into the range of primary sources and other research materials available within our four special collections. Browse Book Lists from Class Visits to learn more about materials used in these and other classes.
- Don't see your department or field represented here? Contact Dr. JoAnn Palmeri to explore how the collections may be useful in your particular class.
Class Visits by Department or Program

CLC 3510 & SPAN 5930 In December 2016 undergraduate students in Scott Johnson’s Presidential Dream Course and graduate students in Luis Cortest’s Spanish seminar visited the collections to view Spanish and Syriac bibles and other rare books.

EDMA 5763 & EDS 5970 During a Spring 2020 visit to the Collections, Kate Raymond and her students used their viewing of historical texts to explore issues related to the history of women in the sciences, medicine and technology.

JMC 4573 & JMC 5573 Students in Mary Anna Evans’ Professional Writing class visited the Collections in February 2020. They viewed a variety of materials related to the history of forensics as well as literary works by Edgar Allan Poe, Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie.
ENGL 4853 During the Spring 2019 semester, students in Daniela Garafalo's Capstone Class "Jane Austen in the 21st Century" visited the Collections as a group and for research on their individual projects. See this Lib Guide for Special Collections materials associated with Jane Austen and her times.

MUS 5221 During Fall Semester 2019, Jennifer Saltzstein visited the Collections with students from her “Bibliography and Research” graduate music course. Items available for viewing included Renaissance texts on music theory, 17th century antiphonals, music waste bindings and a variety of bibles and other historical and literary works with music content.
DRAM 3731 Kae Koger brought her dramaturgy students to the Collections during the Spring 2019 semester. Materials viewed included books on the history of theatre, costumes, and stage design, plays from the 17th-19th centuries, Shakespeare’s Second Folio of 1632, and advertisements for plays with Charles Dickens as a performer.

HIST 4003 During Spring Semester 2020, students from Carsten Schapkow’s class “Jews and Other Germans” visited the Collections. Rarebooks and other materials from all four special collections were on display, grouped in these thematic areas: Jewish Intellectual Traditions, Biblical Scholarship and Traditions, Early-20th Century Jewish Scientists and Scholars, Physiognomy, Eugenics, Anti-Semitism, German Geography and Travel.
HIST 3573 During the Fall Semester 2019, Jennifer Davis visited the Collections multiple times with her “Atlantic Revolutions” students. For the first visit, the students were given an introduction to the Collections and viewed a selection of books. During subsequent visits, students had to opportunity to study individually-selected primary sources in a group setting, with the ability to share findings with their peers and to ask for help from their instructor as well as the librarian.

HSCI 3274 During Spring Semester 2020, Aparna Nair brought her Indigenous and Non-Western Medicine class to the Collections so students could learn about rare books and other materials available to them for research projects. Students viewed a variety of primary sources and secondary research materials for use in the study of history of medicine and China, Egypt, India, Islam and more.
HSCI 3453 During Fall Semester 2019, students in two of Peter Barker’s classes (“History of Science to the Age of Newton” and “Science and Civilization in Islam”) visited the Collections to view rare books in the history of science, technology and medicine. Books on display included: facsimile of Al-Jazarī’s treatise on mechanical devices, 1594 Arabic edition of Euclid’s Elements and 1608 Latin edition of medical works by Ibn Sina.

HON 2973 In Spring 2022 (and virtually in Spring 2021), Michael Soreghan brought his “Deep Time: Earth’s Diary” class to view rare books in the history of geology. Students examined works by Thomas Burnet, Athanasius Kircher, Nicolaus Steno, Buffon, J. J. Scheuchzer, A. G. Werner, James Hutton, William Smith, Mary Anning, Etheldred Bennett, Georges Cuvier, William Buckland, Charles Darwin, Charles Lyell, and Louis Agassiz.
HON 3993 In Fall 2018, Robert Lifset visited the Collections with students in his “Great Books of Western Civilization” class. Students viewed many of the most significant political texts in Western history, including the earliest printed editions of works by Aristotle and Plato, and texts by Hobbes, Locke and Machiavelli.

SPAN 4773 Grady Wray and students from his Spanish Linguistics class participated in a virtual visit to the Collections during Fall Semester 2020. The focus of the Zoom class was Don Quixote, with students viewing and discussing multiple editions (in Spanish and English) of Cervantes’ work held in the Nichols Collections.
ITAL 3553 During Fall Semester 2017, Roberto Pesce and his students were immersed in the history of “Italian Literature and Culture” through a viewing of rare books during a visit to the 5th floor Special Collections. Items on display included works by Ariosto, Galileo, Machiavelli, as well as Castiglione’s Il library del cortegiano (1528), encyclopedias by Alunno and facsimiles of Da Vinci manuscripts.

GEOL 5001 In Fall 2020 and Fall 2021, Lynn Soreghan brought her geology graduate students to virtually tour rare books in the history of geology. Students examined works by Athanasius Kircher, Nicolaus Steno, J. J. Scheuchzer, Buffon, A. G. Werner, James Hutton, William Smith, Georges Cuvier, William Buckland, Charles Darwin, Charles Lyell, and Louis Agassiz.
BIOL 4983 Brent Tweedy's Biology Capstone class visited the Collections four times during the early part of Spring Semester 2020. The focus of the capstone was biology and the history of science, with students working on the following topics: Genetic Engineering, Pandemics, Teaching Evolution, and Trust in Science.
CHEM 2970 Anthony Burgett brought his FYRE2 class to the Collections in Spring Semester 2019. Students viewed a variety of historical scientific texts from the era of early printed books to the present, items which were on display in the Exhibit Hall as well those specifically selected for the class visit.

WGS 3993 Students in Andreea Marculescu’s “Pre-Modern Witch Hunt” class visited the collections in Spring 2017. During this visit students viewed numerable early modern texts (in English as well as Latin), in order to explore the “witch hunt” in historical context.