The University of Oklahoma Government Documents Collection is a depository for US Federal, and a number of international collections. The Library became a federal depository in August 1893, three years after the University was founded. The Library was also a State of Oklahoma Depository from 1976-2017. As one of the largest and oldest federal depository in the state, the 2.1 million item collection (down from 2.9 million in 2017) has items back to 1800s as well as access to the most current online documents. In December 2017, the Government Documents service point on the 4th floor of the Bizzell Memorial Library was closed, and the documents moved to the Library Service Center, outside of town, on Highway 9. The items can be paged from there, using the library catalog request function. The Government Documents Collection continues to be supported and reference assistance is available in person and by phone or email.