The Western History Collections has maps and posters that complement the manuscript materials. The finding aids for the map and poster collections are available in ArchivesSpace. They include:
- 5,200 maps of Oklahoma, Indian Territory, and surrounding areas, documenting the history and development of Oklahoma from its inception as Indian Territory in 1836 to its present status as the 46th state in the union. Of special interest are maps that show the locations of the Indian nations within Oklahoma; original Sanborn Fire Insurance maps for selected Oklahoma cities; and maps that show the development of transportation routes through the Oklahoma region.
- 900 posters depicting advertisements for wild west shows, patent medicines, Native American art, and Oklahoma political candidates, as well as American propaganda posters for World Wars I and II. Contemporary posters featuring University of Oklahoma events are also included.
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How to Find Map and Poster Collections
The finding aids for the map and poster collections are in ArchivesSpace. It is possible to search for specific collections, or to enter a keyword in the search box. Follow these steps to search by keyword:
- Enter keyword in the search box
- The list of results will include names of collections as well as subject terms:
- It will be most useful to limit the results by collection. Under "Additional Filters," select "Collection" under "Type".
- Click on a collection title to see the scope and inventory of the collection
- Click on "Print" to generate an easily-readable PDF finding aid
- Once you determine which maps you need, you will need to provide a collection name and map number
To find map and poster collections through the library's online catalog:
- Go to Discover Local
- Enter search term in the first search box
- Enter "Collection" in the second search box
- Select "Archives" from the Resource Type drop-down menu
- Click the Search button
- Under "Tweak my results" use the "Limit to" facet to choose "Physical copies available in the Library"
- To narrow the results to Western History, scroll down to the "Library" facet and choose "Western History Collections"
- Click on the title to view a summary of the collection's content (more detailed finding aids are available for each collection on ArchivesSpace)
Most map and poster collections are described in our published Guide to Manuscripts in the Western History Collections of the University of Oklahoma.