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OU Libraries names grant recipients

UL Alternative Textbook Grant Reception March 2024_09

OU Libraries is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2024 ATG. Open Educational Resources Librarian Morgan Briles estimates that the 2024 awards will save students almost $55,000 in the first semester. “The Alternative Textbook Grant centers students' needs,” Briles said. “Not only are the course materials free to students, instructors are able to create and curate custom resources for their students that better fit their pedagogical needs. Pillar 3 of OU’s Strategic Plan is, ‘making OU’s excellence affordable and attainable.’ The ATG is just one of OU Libraries’ initiatives to support this Pillar.” Earlier this year, OU Libraries celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Alternative Textbook Grant (ATG). OU students have saved over $4 million in course materials with the ATG in the last decade. The ATG from OU Libraries incentivizes instructors to switch from costly course materials to those that are free to students.

OU Libraries thanks the Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences and the Gallogly College of Engineering for contributing matching funds to grantees from their respective colleges. 

College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences

Dr. Amanda Kis, Lecturer in the School of Meteorology, will be taking advantage of the University’s new enterprise license with Top Hat to create an interactive Introduction to Climate and Weather course for her students. 

Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences

Dr. Yuanning Feng, Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, will be developing resources for his graduate level advanced organic chemistry course. 

Dr. Janette Habashi, Professor of Human Relations, is redesigning her Social Strategies course to use only OU Libraries licensed resources, ensuring there are no course materials costs for her students. 

Dr. Paulo Moreira, Associate Professor of Portuguese in the Modern Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics Department, will be creating an online, multi-media textbook for the second semester of Intermediate Portuguese, following up on his 2023 ATG project for the first semester of Intermediate Portuguese. 

Gallogly College of Engineering

Dr. Rebecca Scott, Assistant Professor in the Stephenson School of Biomedical Engineering, will be creating her own materials for Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, a course for students interested in studying and creating careers in this burgeoning field. 

Jeannine Rainbolt College of Education

Dr. Kelly Feille, Associate Professor of Science Education in the Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum Department, will be transitioning from expensive textbooks to a combination of OU Libraries licensed e-books and journal articles as well as open educational resources for her Teaching Elementary School Science course. 

Dr. Julianna Lopez Kershen, Assistant Professor of English Education within the Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum Department, will be updating her Teaching English course with resources free to students.