Project Highlight

The assignment calculator is a project started at the University of Minnesota, and brought to OU through a collaborative partnership between the libraries, the Writing Center, and the Office of Academic Integrity Programs. The system allows students to select various criteria about assignments that are due and receive a step-by-step timeline of that they need to do to complete the assignment on time. For example, a research paper that is due in a month will provide steps for when to start the outline, when to have a first draft complete. These instructions integrate resources from both the library and the writing center.
The libraries former lead developer, Tim Smith, rebuilt the system to leverage the libraries existing content management system while maintaining the functionality of the original project.
Main Highlights
- Add new assignment types
- Create as many custom steps per assignment type as needed
- Adjust timeline per step
- Integrate library resources
Access Assignment Calculator
- 3,926 Assignments Calculated
- 6 Classes signed up
- 6 Templates Created