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Business & Economics

Getting Started Databases

ABI/INFORM (ProQuest One Business)

Now included in the ProQuest One Business database, this resource covers business and management topics with information on more than 60,000 companies through journals, newspapers, executive profiles, reports on market conditions, and in-depth case studies of global business trends. Includes Snapshots North America, Oxford Analytical Research, Wall Street Journal, and MIT Sloan Management Review. Full text is available.

AtoZacademics (Trial)

AtoZacademics is the Premier Job Search, Business & Consumer database including 65 million business & executive profiles & 245 million residents. Ideal for Students and Staff researching businesses, consumers, or jobs in the United States. Help your students with company or industry research, building business plans, market research, and entrepreneurial assistance.


OU Libraries is trialing this resource through March 25, 2025. Please share your feedback.


This database provides access to business and news archives, historical market data, interactive charting, financial statements, and company reports.

IBIS World

One of the most comprehensive collections of industry market research reports, IBIS World provides instant access to over 700 United States industries. In addition to their core Industry Report product, they also publish over 700 US Industry Risk Rating Reports, over 700 Industry Profiles, as well as hundreds of Economic & Demographic Profiles.

Research Guides