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Professional & Continuing Studies

Getting Started Databases

ABI/INFORM (ProQuest One Business)

Now included in the ProQuest One Business database, this resource covers business and management topics with information on more than 60,000 companies through journals, newspapers, executive profiles, reports on market conditions, and in-depth case studies of global business trends. Includes Snapshots North America, Oxford Analytical Research, Wall Street Journal, and MIT Sloan Management Review. Full text is available.

EBSCO Collection

Provides access to a multidisciplinary collection of over 50 databases covering the social sciences, humanities, and sciences. Select the databases most appropriate for your research topic and search them simultaneously. Some full text is available.

In June 2024 OU Libraries migrated to the new EBSCO platform. Some features from the previous ESBCO platform are currently unavailable on the new platform. As EBSCO works to activate these features, the legacy platform is still available for features you cannot use on the new interface. Please note that the legacy site will be retired in August 2025. 


Covers psychology and related disciplines in the behavioral sciences. Materials indexed include journals, book chapters, books, and dissertations. Some full text is available.

Web of Science

Multidisciplinary index covering topics in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. It is the electronic equivalent of the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Science Citation Index. Some full text is available.

Subject Librarian(s)

Karie Antell
Karie Antell

Head of Library Instruction & Liaison Services