The Grant Fine Arts Library serves as the neighborhood library for the Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts of the University of Oklahoma, supporting their mission to provide “excellence in arts education, scholarship, and creative activities, and the nurture of its students by maintaining a university environment in which the highest professional standards are exemplified through its faculty."
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Catlett Music Center
500 W Boyd St., Rm. 20
Norman, OK 73019
United States
General Information

The Media Resource Center, a Special Collection within the Ruby Grant Fine Arts Library, is a working library of recorded (time-based) materials: CDs, videos, digital audio tapes (DATs) and regular cassette tapes, digital video discs (DVDs) and long-playing records (LPs). These are available to anyone who wishes to use them within the Fine Arts Library. Additionally, faculty, staff and students may also borrow some items for short periods.

Vintage sheet music from the 1900's through the 1960's has been collected through various donations to the Fine Arts Library. Much of the collection has been cataloged in a "composer / title" file. The collection contains popular, radio, movie, sacred, and operatic music. Newspaper music dating from the late 1890's to the early 1900's is also available as part of this rare collection. This music was published in Sunday supplements of major east coast newspapers. An index to this collection is available at the Fine Arts Library circulation counter. Joseph H. Benton, noted Oklahoma operatic tenor and former University of Oklahoma voice faculty member, donated his musical books and sheet music to the Fine Arts Library. Mr. Benton used much of the sheet music in performance and in his teaching studio and includes his personal annotations. An index to this valuable collection is available in the Fine Arts Library reference section and at the circulation counter.
Research Help
Apple TV

Apple TVs are available for patrons to access as a streaming device. It works as a digital media adapter that allows users to connect to a high-definition television via wi-fi.
Blu-Ray Player

Blu-ray players are available for patrons to access as a high-definition video disk player. It is capable of storing and displaying high-definition video resolution for optimal quality.
Computer Stations

Patrons have access to Windows and Apple computers. The computers come with a variety of software applications that are available to students.
DVD Player

DVD players are available as a device to play DVD media. This device is a video and audio player that is controlled by a remote.
MIDI Keyboard Stations

The Fine Arts library has a number of Apple computers, equipped with MIDI keyboards and the Finale musical notation software.

Printers are available for instructors and students throughout the library. The printers can be used to print documents by accessing a library computer that is wirelessly connected to the device.

Scanners are generally located in computer stations in the library. The flatbed scanners are a great way to scan and deliver documents through a computer.
Virtual Reality Headsets

Virtual reality headsets are available at the Library MakerSpace. These devices allow non-technical users to analyze and manipulate 3d models in a virtual reality.
Wi-Fi Access

Wi-Fi access is available in all rooms of the library. Instructors and students can access the internet by wirelessly connecting to the University's wi-fi network.