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Humanities and Social Sciences Services

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Humanities and Social Sciences Services hours for today

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The Humanities and Social Sciences Services team provides the OU community with subject expertise and assistance with appropriate literature, analyses, and digital tools through consultations, workshops, and instruction sessions.  Our subject expertise focuses on topics throughout the humanities and social sciences, from African & African-American Studies or Classics & Letters, to Religious Studies or Women's & Gender Studies.

You may make an appointment with any of the Humanities and Social Sciences librarians by clicking on their name below.


Karen Antell

Karie Antell

Expertise and Areas of Interest

Women's and Gender Studies 


Expertise and Areas of Interest

African & African American Studies | Anthropology | Communication | Journalism & Mass Communication 

Liorah Golomb

Liorah Golomb

Expertise and Areas of Interest

Humanities | Languages & Literature | Performing Arts | Philosophy | Religious Studies

Susan Hahn

Susan Hahn

Expertise and Areas of Interest

Business & Economics

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David Rankin

Expertise and Areas of Interest

Education | Human Relations | Social Work | Sociology

Laurie Scrivener

Laurie Scrivener

Expertise and Areas of Interest

History Resources | International & Area Studies | Library and Information Science | Political Science

Matthew Stock

Matthew Stock

Expertise and Areas of Interest

Architecture | Fine Arts | Performing Arts