Health & Exercise Science
Getting Started Databases
Cumulative Index to nursing and allied health, including topics on nursing, allied health, biomedicine, consumer health, and health sciences librarianship. Materials indexed include professional journals, books, dissertations, standards of professional practice, and educational software. Some full text is provided.
Health EvidenceProvides quality-rated systematic reviews evaluating the effectiveness of public health interventions.
MEDLINE (EBSCO)Index and abstracts to journals published internationally, covering medicine, dentistry, nursing, and other health fields.
SimplyAnalyticsA mapping, analytics, and data visualization application with 100,000+ data variables, including demographic data from the US Census and American Community Survey, consumer spending data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey, and Dun & Bradstreet's point of interest business file providing detailed information on over 5 million businesses. Also includes the AGS Health Care dataset and the MRI-SimmonsLOCAL consumer behavior dataset with data on over 8,000 brands, psychographics, and MOSAIC market segments.
NOTE: Faculty, staff, and students are not required to log-in with a user name and password, however, your work will not be saved unless an individual account is created.
SportDiscus with full textInternational index that covers all aspects of sports, sports medicine, fitness, consumer health, nutrition, and related fields. Materials indexed include journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, audiovisual materials, and websites related to all aspects of sports and fitness. Provides access to over 500 full text journals.
Web of ScienceMultidisciplinary index covering topics in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. It is the electronic equivalent of the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Science Citation Index. Some full text is available.
Subject Librarian(s)

STEM Librarian, National Weather Center Library Branch Manager