This reference work examines the history and impact of U.S. relations with Native Americans. Entries cover everything critical to provide a full understanding of the context to U.S./Native American relations, from history, politics, and sociology to civil rights and culture.
Explores the events, policies, activities, institutions, groups, people, and movements that have created and shaped political life in the United States from the 1500s to present.
Covers everything from basic vibration theory to ultrasonics, from both fundamental and applied standpoints. Areas discussed include vibrations in machines, buildings and other structures, vehicles, ships, aircraft, and human response to vibration. The encyclopedia includes facts, background information, and techniques for modeling, analysis, design, testing, and control of vibration.
2nd edition
Contains more than 7,500 polymeric material terms, including the names of chemicals, processes, formulae, and analytical methods that are used frequently in the polymer and engineering fields. Definitions also provide equations, chemical structures, and other figures.
A web-based virtual community for engineers and other technical professionals. Engineering Village includes access to EI Compendex Web database, which indexes and abstracts engineering journals, conferences, and reports. Also includes access to Knovel, Georef, and GEOBASE.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Aviation | Engineering | Geology & Geophysics | Physics & Astronomy | Environment | Geography & GISPermalink:
The English Short Title Catalogue (ESTC) provides extensive descriptions and holdings information for letterpress materials printed in Great Britain in any language as well as for materials printed in English anywhere else in the world. Coverage is from the beginnings of print to 1800, including all recorded English monographs printed between 1475 and 1700. The English Short Title Catalogue is updated daily.
For information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Modern Languages | History & Primary ResourcesPermalink:
Provides access to full runs of 26 major entertainment trade and consumer magazines, including Broadcasting, Billboard, Melody Maker, The Stage, and Variety.
University of Oklahoma Libraries has licensed this database for an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
For information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: History & Primary Resources | Performing Arts | Newspapers & MagazinesPermalink:
Environmental Engineering Abstracts covers world literature pertaining to technological and engineering aspects of air and water quality, environmental safety, and energy production. More than 700 primary journals are thoroughly indexed and abstracted.
University of Oklahoma Libraries has licensed this database for an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
For information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Engineering | Environment | Geography & GISPermalink:
Wiley's Environmental Science and History Digital Archive focuses on critical aspects of environmental science, history, and anthropogenic change and includes unique and rare archival collections from multiple global sources. The archive includes manuscripts, images, maps, and photographs covering topics such as deforestation, agriculture, livestock, fisheries, ecology, botany, biodiversity, extinction, water sources, irrigation, wetlands, and hydrology.
University of Oklahoma Libraries has licensed this database for an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
For information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
An online library of education research, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. Materials indexed include journal articles and research reports (ERIC Documents). Some full text is available.
University of Oklahoma Libraries has licensed this database for an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial or the University Libraries tutorial.
Related Subjects: Education | Library & Information StudiesPermalink: