Databases & E-Reference Materials
Noticias Gráficas was a groundbreaking Argentine newspaper published in Buenos Aires during the early 20th century, known for its double-page illustrated center spread and high-quality journalism. This prominent newspaper was shut down during the dictatorship of Pedro Eugenio Aramburu.
For more information about using this resource, please view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Newspapers & Magazines | History & Primary Resources | International & Area StudiesPermalink:
This database contains translated and English-language radio and television broadcasts, newspapers, periodicals, government documents, and books providing global reaction to the world Arms Race. The collection allows researchers to trace not only the development and spread of the world's most dangerous weapons, but also regional reactions, treaties and agreements, and efforts to limit nuclear proliferation.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: History & Primary ResourcesPermalink: provides full access to New York Times and International New York Times content, including breaking news, multimedia, blogs, videos and more.
NOTE: You must set up an individual account using your email to access the New York Times. To set up your free account, click here. Once you create an account, you may access the New York Times either on or off campus using your account credentials. You will have to create a new account once a year.
Faculty and instructors also have access to the New York Times in Education, a resource of teaching strategies, articles, discussion questions, case studies and more. To set up access, click here and register with your email address.
Provides access to a union catalog of more than 19 million digital resources including digitized books and articles, born digital texts, audio files, images, movies, and datasets.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: General | History & Primary ResourcesPermalink:;dbname=OAIster;FSIP
This handbook explores the causes and health consequences of obesity, as well as the connections between obesity, genetics, and environmental and behavioral factors. Explores the economic and social ramifications of obesity, covering issues such as weight discrimination and the complex question of how to determine responsibility for prevention and treatment.
This resource searches over 20 of the leading OER repositories, including open and archival book repositories, with a single query. Supports full record, title, author, and date range searches to find freely available teaching, learning, and research resources.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: GeneralPermalink:
Access reports on capital spending by the world's largest oil companies.
You must be logged in to the OU Libraries website with your 4x4 to download these resources.
Related Subjects: Business & EconomicsPermalink:
Complete text from 1981 to present of the Oklahoman, which focuses on both local and regional news, including community events, schools, politics, government policies, cultural activities, local companies, state industries, and people in the community. Also includes access to the Oklahoman Web Edition from 2013 onward.
NOTE: Some archival issues are available on microfilm. To access these, please use the Request via Sooner Xpress link in the following records: 1969-1984, 1984-1985, 1985-1990, 2005-2024. The most recent three months can also be viewed in print.
University of Oklahoma Libraries has licensed this resource for an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
OnePetro is an online library of technical literature for the oil and gas exploration and production industry. Indexes papers from the Society of Petroleum Engineering.
Fore more information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Geology & Geophysics | EngineeringPermalink:
Access to over 700 freely available ISO standards.