Databases & E-Reference Materials
Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is a comprehensive reference work that defines the entire discipline, bringing together core knowledge from every one of the many specialties encompassed by electrical and electronics engineering. Topics covered include education, historical background of fields in electrical and electronics engineering, patents, technology and society, and computer and software engineering.
The Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry covers all electrochemical areas, including fundamentals in electrochemistry, instrumentation, electroanalytical chemistry, corrosion and oxide films, electrochemical engineering, semiconductor electrodes / electrodes and modified electrodes, photoelectrochemistry, inorganic and organic electrochemistry, and bioelectrochemistry.
Drawing on both contemporary and classic research, the Encyclopedia of Emotion offers more than 400 alphabetically organized entries on a broad range of topics, including the neurological foundations of emotional function, competing theories of emotion, multicultural perspectives on emotions, emotional disorders, their diagnosis and treatment, and profiles of important organizations and key figures who have shaped the field.
The Encyclopedia of Environmetrics covers the development and application of quantitative methods in the environmental sciences. It provides tools for understanding, predicting, and controlling the impacts of agents, both man-made and natural, which affect the environment.
Encyclopedia of Ethical, Legal and Policy Issues in Biotechnology includes over 110 articles on the ethical, legal, and policy issues involved in biotechnology. This reference work introduces the issues, analyzes their implications, and presents public policy options.
An A-to-Z guide with over 500 entries covering feminist authors, literary works, and other related topics from around the world and in a number of fiction and nonfiction genres, including novels, short stories, poetry, plays, and criticism. The entries are supplemented with an introductory essay, authors by genre, major authors and sample listings of their works, a time line of major works of feminist literature, primary and secondary source bibliographies, and an extensive index.
Provides over 500 explanations of key themes and ideas within the field of feminist thought. Each entry contains cross references and a bibliographic guide to further reading. This resource also includes over 50 biographical entries, providing a sense of how theories have developed out of the lives and situations of their authors.
Discusses the main areas of specialist and expert knowledge and skills used by those involved in all aspects of the forensic process. This resource provides case studies of landmark cases (including Frye v. United States and Kumho Tire v. Carmichael) and covers key areas, such as criminalistics, digital evidence, DNA analysis of biological fluids, investigation and law enforcement, law, medicine, statistics, the evaluation of evidence, toxicology, and drug analysis.
2nd edition (2021)
Covers all aspects of geology, including earth history, earth materials, surface processes, regional geology, economic geology, engineering geology, petroleum geology, geochemical and mineral exploration, and the history of geology.
This two-volume set includes over 200 entries on topics covering all aspects of health and behavior. In addition, the Encyclopedia of Health and Behavior includes a comprehensive set of additional resources with entries on selected organizations and an appendix with a detailed annotated listing of such organizations.