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HELIOS Open Scholarship Initiative

What is HELIOS?

The Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship (HELIOS Open) is a cohort of colleges and universities committed to collective action to advance open scholarship within and across their campuses. 

OU has joined the HELIOS community of practice, comprised of leaders from U.S. colleges and universities working together to promote a more transparent and trustworthy research ecosystem. 

On the OU campus, an interdisciplinary council of academic and research leaders from across the university has been approved by the Provost's office to discuss and develop ways to support, incentivize, and reward openness and transparency in a way that is both consistent with common norms and appropriate for specific research and scholarly communities. 

To learn more about the HELIOS initiative visit

HELIOS Advisory Council

The OU HELIOS Council is an interdisciplinary council of academic and research leaders from across OU brought together to advance the institution's role in open scholarship and science.


OU HELIOS Council Membership

Ann West Associate Vice President of Research Development; Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Office of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships
Ben Heddy Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies; Associate Professor at the Science of Psychology, Data, and Research in Education program Rainbolt College of Education
Brian Britt Associate Dean of the College of Fine Arts; Director of The Pride of Oklahoma Weitzenhoffer Family College of Fine Arts
Denise Stephens Dean of the University Libraries University Libraries
Elanie Steyn Associate Dean of Academic Affairs; Associate Professor, Gaylord Family Professor Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communication
Georgia Kosmopoulou Associate Dean for Research; Edith Kinney Gaylord Presidential Professor of Economics Dodge Family College of Arts and Sciences
Gregg Garn Dean (Interim), College of Professional and Continuing Studies; Vice President of Online Learning College of Professional and Continuing Studies
Henry Neeman Executive Director, Research Computing at the OU Supercomputing Center for Education and Research OU Information Technology
Jessica Davila Associate Dean for Digital Strategies and Innovation University Libraries
Johnathon Stalling Dean (Interim), College of International Studies; William J. Crowe, JR. Chair in Geopolitics and Professor of International & Area Studies; Co-Director, Institute for US-China Issues College of International Studies
PK Imbrie Special Assistant to the Provost; Professor Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost
Sarah Robbins  Senior Director for Strategic Initiatives and Research University Libraries
Suchi Bhattacharjee Associate Dean of Academic and College Administration for Gibbs College Gibbs College of Architecture
Wayne Thomas Senior Associate Dean for Faculty and Research Innovation, George Lynn Cross Research Professor, David C. Steed Chair in Accounting Price College of Business
Zahed Siddique Associate Dean for Research; Dick and Shirley O'Shields Professor in the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Gallogly College of Engineering

Events and media

HELIOS Open Panel recording

This webinar provides an overview of the Higher Education Leadership Initiative for Open Scholarship (HELIOS Open) and its importance to research at OU from a panel of experts working in this area. HELIOS Open seeks to promote a more transparent, inclusive, and trustworthy research ecosystem. Panelists include Danny Anderson, President Emeritus of Trinity University, Geeta Swamy, HELIOS Open Strategic Lead & Duke University Associate Vice President for Research & Vice Dean for Science Integrity, and Caitlin Carter, HELIOS Open Program Manager. The recording includes a Q & A with the panelists. It was hosted by the OU HELIOS Advisory Council.

Open scholarship resources

Campus resource list to support open scholarship and research

  • OU Open Access Policy The OU-Norman Faculty Senate adopted a campus-wide Open Access Policy on May 8, 2023, and it was approved by the Senior Vice President and Provost on August 15, 2023. This policy allows faculty to legally share their scholarly articles, making them available for anyone to read. Work towards policy implementation is ongoing on the OU Norman Open Access Policy Page.
  • SHAREOK Institutional Repository SHAREOK is the joint institutional repository for the University of Oklahoma (OU) and the University of Central Oklahoma (UCO). It serves as the home for the intellectual output of those institutions and houses digital theses and dissertations, faculty publications, open access publications, open educational resources, institution-specific content, and much more.
  • Research Publication Subvention Funding In partnership with the Office of the Vice President for Research and Partnerships (OVPRP) and the Office of the Provost, OU Libraries administers research publication subvention funding to help offset book/journal page charges, publication charges for individual articles made openly available in paywalled journals, and open access article and book fees. OU Libraries has also established memberships, subscriptions, and agreements with a number of publishers to waive or discount open access publishing costs.
  • Open Access Journal Hosting, OU Libraries is proud to partner with departments and organizations to publish faculty-driven, peer-reviewed open access journals.
  • Data Services supports OU community members with their data needs, including using the Dryad open repository for open data sharing. Consult with specialists and graduate assistants familiar with data, including research data management, analysis, and visualization.
  • OSCER (OU Supercomputing Center for Education & Research) a division of OU IT, runs a massive tape archive known as the OU Regional Research Store (OURR Store). This research data storage instrument is a national model for affordable, large-scale, multi-institutional storage.