Databases & E-Reference Materials
A comprehensive database of coordination compounds, organometallic compounds, the elements, simple binary and ternary compounds, and major bioinorganics. Includes literature references and structure diagrams.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Chemistry & BiochemistryPermalink:
Signed biographical articles which describe and assess the careers of Irish individuals in all fields of endeavor, including politics, law, religion, literature, journalism, architecture, painting, music, the stage, science, medicine, engineering, entertainment and sport.
This series offers biographical and critical essays on the lives, works, and careers of authors while placing them in the larger perspective of literary history.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Modern LanguagesPermalink:
A dictionary of nearly 200 symbols found in literature. Emphasis is on English literature and the text also provides cross-references and quotations. Entries range from the Bible and classical authors to modern-day writing, taking in American and European literatures.
A comprehensive resource for more than 25,000 natural products isolated from marine organisms. Each entry includes the biological source, chemical structure, physical properties, biological activity, and literature references for each compound.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Biological Sciences & Medicine | EnvironmentPermalink:
Covering television, film, radio and theatre, this book includes over 8,000 words and expressions used in the media and entertainment industries.
5th edition
This resource provides information about the basis for all names of roughly 10,000 minor planets. In addition to being a guide for identification purposes, this collection also provides a historical insight into the work of those astronomers who over two centuries were responsible for assigning planet names.
Adds more than 2,000 names to fifth edition of the Dictionary of Minor Planet Names, a dictionary that contains information about the basis for the names of minor planets.
Provides full text access to over 60,000 biographies of people who shaped the history of the British Isles.
University Libraries has licensed this resource for one simultaneous user.
For information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: History | GeneralPermalink:
A comprehensive guide to the oral and written literatures of Native Americans, produced by scholars of the Association for the Study of American Indian Literatures. It features 40 biographical essays on individual authors, as well as essays on the oral traditions of various tribes. Topics such as teaching Native American literature, the relation of the Bible, dreams, oratory, humor, autobiography, and federal land policies are all covered.