Databases & E-Reference Materials
The Macmillan Encyclopedia of Death and Dying provides a historical and cross-cultural perspective on all aspects of death and dying, including biological, medical, social, sociological, psychological, religious, and philosophical.
From one of the most important periods of legal development, this archive is a comprehensive full text collection of Anglo-American legal treatises. It allows for full text searching of more than 21,000 works from casebooks, local practice manuals, form books, works for lay readers, pamphlets, letters, speeches and more - all separated into 99 subject areas.
The Making of Modern Law: Trials, 1600-1926 is a collection of documents from Anglo-American trials. Contains works pertaining to the United States, Britain, Ireland, Canada, and English-language titles about trials in other jurisdictions, such as France. Resources include published trial transcripts; popular printed accounts of sensational trials for murder; unofficially published accounts of trials, briefs, arguments, and other trial documents; official records of legislative proceedings, administrative proceedings, and arbitration sessions; and books and pamphlets about specific trials. Topics include adultery, commercial law, constitutional law, dueling, elections, impeachment, international law, land, military offenses, murder, sexuality, slavery, torts, treason, and wills.
University of Oklahoma Libraries has licensed this database for an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
For information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
The Making of the Modern World, Part I: The Goldsmiths'-Kress Collection covers the expansion of world trade, the Industrial Revolution, and the development of modern capitalism. Resources include rare books and primary source materials covering a variety of subjects, including commerce, finance, social conditions, politics, trade and transport.
University of Oklahoma Libraries has licensed this database for an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
Related Subjects: Business & Economics | History & Primary ResourcesPermalink:
The Market Share Reporter series is an annual compilation of comparative business statistics on companies and their products. Each entry in the publication features a descriptive title, data and market descriptions, a list of producers/products along with their market share, and citations of original sources. Data is complied from a variety of sources, including journals, magazines, and newspapers.
The University of Oklahoma Libraries has licensed this resource for an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
Related Subjects: Business & Economics | Journalism & Mass Communication | Market ResearchPermalink:
Contains full text for hundreds of popular high school magazines and reference books, plus biographies, primary source documents, and an image collection.
For more information on using this database, view the publisher's online video or print tutorial.
Related Subjects: General | Newspapers & MagazinesPermalink:
Indexes and abstracts journals covering a wide variety of topics, including business, consumer health, culture, education, and general science. Also includes an image gallery, eBooks, and primary source documents. Some full text is available.
University of Oklahoma Libraries has licensed this database for an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online print or video tutorial.
Related Subjects: General | Newspapers & MagazinesPermalink:
Indexes and abstracts over a thousand mathematical related publications and is the online version of Mathematical Reviews, produced by the American Mathematical Society.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: MathematicsPermalink:
2nd edition
Includes more than 6,000 entries that fully define the language of chemistry. This dictionary covers all disciplines, including organic and inorganic chemistry, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, biochemistry, and chemical engineering. Entries include hundreds of synonyms, acronyms, and abbreviations and identify the fields in which a term is used.
Index and abstracts to journals published internationally, covering medicine, dentistry, nursing, and other health fields.
University of Oklahoma Libraries has licensed this database for an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
For information about using this database, view the publisher's online print tutorial or video tutorial.
Related Subjects: Biological Sciences & Medicine | Health & Exercise Science | PsychologyPermalink: