Databases & E-Reference Materials
10th edition
The ASTM Dictionary of Engineering Science & Technology contains over 7,000 terms with definitions referenced in all ASTM terminology standards.
The ASTM Standards and Engineering Digital Library contains a large collection of industry-leading standards and technical engineering information. This database covers a variety of engineering disciplines, including aerospace, biomedical, chemical, environmental, geological, health and safety, industrial, materials science, mechanical, nuclear, petroleum, soil science, and solar engineering. Includes access to ISO and IEC standards.
University of Oklahoma Libraries has licensed this database for an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Engineering | Biological Sciences & Medicine | Environment | Geography & GISPermalink:
The Astrophysics Data System maintains three databases covering publications in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Physics, and the arXiv e-prints. The ADS also tracks citations and usage of its records to provide advanced discovery and evaluation capabilities. Integrated in its databases, the ADS provides access and pointers to a wealth of external resources, including electronic articles available from publisher's websites, astronomical object information, data catalogs and data sets hosted by external archives.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Physics & AstronomyPermalink:
13th century-1893
Series 1 provides an archive of religious and theological literature from the late 13th century through 1893. Volumes are in a range of languages, including English, German, French, Aramaic, Arabic, Greek and Hebrew.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online print or video tutorial.
Related Subjects: History of Science | Philosophy | Religious Studies | History & Primary ResourcesPermalink:
Series 2 provides an archive of religious and theological literature from 1894 through 1922. Topics include the changing landscape of religion in America, the growing interest in non-Western religions at the turn of the century, church life, missionary activity, social movements, and demographics.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online print or video tutorial.
Related Subjects: History of Science | Philosophy | Religious Studies | History & Primary ResourcesPermalink:
This database covers topics in biblical studies, world religions, church history, and religion in social issues. Materials indexed includes citations to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays. The ATLA Religion Database includes ALTASerials, an online collection of religion and theology journals, which provides some full text access.
University of Oklahoma Libraries has licensed this database for an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online print or video tutorial.
Related Subjects: History of Science | Philosophy | Religious StudiesPermalink:
Archives the African-American historical newspaper the Atlanta Daily World, including full page digital reproductions of every page from all available issues. Full text is available.
University of Oklahoma Libraries has licensed this database for an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
For information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: History & Primary Resources | Newspapers & MagazinesPermalink:
AtoZacademics is the Premier Job Search, Business & Consumer database including 65 million business & executive profiles & 245 million residents. Ideal for Students and Staff researching businesses, consumers, or jobs in the United States. Help your students with company or industry research, building business plans, market research, and entrepreneurial assistance.
OU Libraries is trialing this resource through March 25, 2025. Please share your feedback.
19th-21st centuries
Over 300 important dramatic works in streaming audio, featuring literature from the 19th through 21st centuries performed by leading actors.
For information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Performing ArtsPermalink:
Indexes periodicals published worldwide on architecture, archaeology, interior design, and historic preservation. Covers the international scholarly and popular periodical literature, including the publications of professional associations, US state and regional periodicals, major serial publications in the architecture and design of Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Australia.
University of Oklahoma Libraries has licensed this database for 5 simultaneous users.
For information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: ArchitecturePermalink: