- Equipment loans are limited to current University of Oklahoma faculty, staff and students with a valid OU ID and no blocks on their library record. Those not affiliated with OU may not borrow equipment, even if they have borrowing privileges for print materials.
- A valid photo ID must be presented to check out equipment.
- Equipment may be checked out from the time the library opens until fifteen minutes before closing.
- Items are due fifteen minutes before closing and must be handed to a library employee at the service desk. Equipment may not be returned in the book drop or left on the desk.
- Equipment loan periods vary and are listed with the description of the item. View the complete list of technology available for check-out.
- Overdue fines for equipment are totaled hourly at varying rates; there are no grace periods, and items are charged their overdue rate as soon as their loan period ends. Specific overdue rates are listed with the description of the item.
- iPad loans may not be renewed.
- Equipment will be declared lost when an item is more than 24 hour overdue.
- The borrower is responsible for the care of the equipment from the time it has been checked out until it is returned to a library employee. Lost or damaged equipment will be billed at the full lost item fine of the item plus a processing fee.
- It is the borrower’s responsibility to delete all files from the equipment before it is returned. You will be asked to show that files have been deleted when checking equipment in. Equipment will not be checked in until all files have been deleted. Laptops are an exception to this rule, as they automatically remove any changes or files when logged off.
- This loan program is meant to provide access to these technologies, but not necessarily instruction on use. Users are encouraged to review the information on the manufacturers' websites for detailed operating information. These websites are linked from the the description of each item. Some, but not all, equipment operating manuals can be checked out from the circulation desk with the equipment.
- Library employees will not provide technical support or instruction on using the equipment.
Questions about the equipment or technology lending should be directed to the Media and Reserves Manager.
You may read the libraries' policy on Damaged and Missing library materials here.