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University of Oklahoma Libraries - Overdue Item Policies

When an item is not returned to the library before its due date it begins to accrue overdue fees. General materials that are 30 days overdue and reserve items that are 24 hours overdue are considered Lost and will be posted to the patron's Bursar account. The rate at which overdue fees accrue, the maximum amount of overdue fees, and the lost item fine cost vary depending on the item in question.

You may read the libraries' Damaged and Missing policy here.

You may read the libraries' technology lending policy here.

The Oklahoma Statute on library theft may be read here.

General Rates and Lost Item Fines

General Item and Government Documents Overdue Fine
Rate: No daily fines
Lost Item Fine: $80.00
Lost Item Processing Fee: $10.00

Learning Lab Overdue Fine
Rate: No daily fines
Lost Item Fine: $80
Lost Item Processing Fee: $25

Interlibrary Loan Overdue Fine
Rate: $10.00 per loan, $10.00 maximum

Recalled Items Overdue Fine
Rate: $0.25 per day, $25.00 maximum

Hourly Reserves Overdue Fine
Rate: $1.00 per hour, $25.00 maximum
Lost Item Fine:: Actual cost of item
Lost Item Processing Fee:  $25.00

Daily Reserves Overdue Fine
Rate: $1.00 per day, $30.00 maximum
Lost Item Fine: Actual cost of item
Lost Item Processing Fee: $25.00

3 Day Reserves Overdue Fine
Rate: $0.25, per day, $30.00 Maximum
Lost Item Fine: Actual cost of item
Lost Item Processing Fee: $25.00

7 Day Reserves Overdue Fine
Rate: $1.00 per day, $30 Maximum
Lost Item Fine: Actual cost of item
Lost Item Processing Fee: $25.00

Textbook Reserves Overdue Fine
Rate: $1.00 per hour, $30.00 maximum
Lost Item Fine: $250.00 (NON-REFUNDABLE)
Lost Item Processing Fee: $25.00

Laptop Overdue Fine
Rate: $30.00 per hour, $300.00 maximum
Lost Item Fine: $1,500.00
Lost Item Processing Fee: $25.00

iPad Overdue Fine
Rate: $30.00 per hour, $300.00 maximum
Lost Item Fine: $500.00
Lost Item Processing Fee: $25.00

Rate: $1.00 per day, $30.00 maximum
Lost Item Fine: Cost of item
Lost Item Processing Fee: $25.00

360 Camera
Rate: $1.00 per day, $30.00 maximum
Lost Item Fine: Cost of item
Lost Item Processing Fee: $25.00

Oculus Rift Headset
Rate: $1.00 per day, $30.00 maximum 
Lost Item Fine: $290.00
Lost Item Processing Fee; $25.00

Bone Sets
Rate: $1.00 per day, $25 maximum
Lost Item Fine: $10.00
Lost Item Processing Fee: $25.00

Rate: $0.25 per day, $30.00 maximum
Lost Item Fine: $375.00
Lost Item Processing Fee: $10.00

Wacom Intous Drawing Tablet
Rate: $0.25 per day, $30.00 maximum
Lost Item Fine: $1900.00
Lost Item Processing Fee: $10.00

Podcast Kit
Rate: $0.25 per day, $30.00 maximum
Lost Item Fine: $1865.00
Lost Item Processing Fee: $10.00

Courtesy Borrower's Permit
Rate: $50.00 per year

Rates and Lost Item Fines for Hourly Equipment

All hourly equipment accrues overdue fines at the same rate: $1.00 per hour, $30.00 maximum.  The lost item processing fee for all hourly equipment is $10.00. However, lost item fines vary from item to item:

Rates and Lost Item Fines for Daily Equipment

All daily equipment accrues overdue fines at the same rate: $1.00 per day, $30.00 maximum.  The lost item processing fee for all daily equipment is $10.00.  However, lost item fines vary from item to item and will be determined at the time that the item is lost.
PC Laptop Charger: $25.00
Mac Laptop Charger: $80.00
Mac USB-C Charger: $98
USB-C Charger: $25.00
USB Mouse: $20.00
Misc. Adapters: $20.00
HDMI Cable: $12.00
Apple Laptop DVD Drive: $79.00
PC Laptop DVD Drive: $30.00
Portable Blu-Ray Player: $310.00

Notification of Fine Accrual

Email overdue notices are sent as a courtesy to remind patrons to return materials or renew items before fines accrue.

Appealing a Fine

To appeal a fine a patron can email Billing, or call Billing at 405-325-5704.

Impact of Library Fines on Enrollment and Graduation

Once the enrollment process begins the system will automatically place a registration hold on student's accounts that owe over $100 on their account whether it is tuition and fees, fines, housing, or any other fee. If your enrollment is on hold due to library fines, please contact the Billing Department at (405) 325-5704 or through email.
Check your Bursar account.

Students owing more than $0 will still graduate and can go through the ceremony, but they will not officially graduate until their Bursar account is clear. The Bursar's office will not release any transcripts until that bill is paid. Once it is paid, however, the holds on their transcript will be released and their graduation date will be set for when they finished their academic year.