E-Resources for Biological Sciences & Medicine
Provides access to PubMed, human genome resources, entrez databases, and nucleotide databases, as well as tools for data mining and sequence analysis.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Biological Sciences & Medicine, Chemistry & BiochemistryPermalink: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
Natural Science Collection
Searches across multiple ProQuest science databases, including Agricultural & Environmental Science (1960 - present), Biological Science (1946 - present), and Earth, Atmospheric, & Aquatic Science (1950 - present).
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Biological Sciences & Medicine, Environment, Geography & GISPermalink: https://search.proquest.com/naturalscience/advanced/science/fromDatabasesLayer?accountid=12964
PolicyMap is an interactive online data and mapping tool that contains thousands of indicators used to understand communities. Regularly updated indicators include demographics, real estate, health, jobs, income and spending, housing, crime, quality of life, education, socio-economic factors, and more. Data is available at many geographic entities including census tract, zip code, city, state, school districts and political boundaries. Data sources include the Census Bureau, Social Security Administration, Department of Homeland Security, and CDC BRFSS and is accessible as interactive maps, tables, charts, and reports.
For more information on using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Geography & GIS, Biological Sciences & Medicine, EnvironmentPermalink: https://ou.policymap.com/newmaps#/
Provides full text access to select Elsevier Science journals and eBooks.
ScienceDirect allows access to full-text articles to which the University of Oklahoma Libraries has subscribed. Access to some titles goes back as far as volume one of the title.
For more information about using this database, go to the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Biological Sciences & Medicine, Environment, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Engineering, Geography & GISPermalink: https://www.sciencedirect.com/
Chemical Abstracts Service database of the chemical literature; indexes journals, conference proceedings, patents, dissertations, reports, and books. Includes step-by-step synthetic procedures for reactions, as well as retrosynthesis information. Some full text is available.
Permalink: https://libraries.ou.edu/content/sci-finder-instructions
A mapping, analytics, and data visualization application with 100,000+ data variables, including demographic data from the US Census and American Community Survey, consumer spending data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey, and Dun & Bradstreet's point of interest business file providing detailed information on over 5 million businesses. Also includes the AGS Health Care dataset and the MRI-SimmonsLOCAL consumer behavior dataset with data on over 8,000 brands, psychographics, and MOSAIC market segments.
NOTE: Faculty, staff, and students are not required to log-in with a user name and password, however, your work will not be saved unless an individual account is created.
Licensed for 4 concurrent users. Number of seats can be temporarily increased to accommodate classroom instruction or workshops. Please email liblicense@ou.edu to request.
Related Subjects: Business & Economics, Geography & GIS, Government Information, Health & Exercise Science, Journalism & Mass Communication, Research Data, Market Research, Biological Sciences & Medicine, EnvironmentPermalink: https://app.simplyanalytics.com/login.html
SPIE Digital Library
Provides access to SPIE eBooks, as well as technical papers from SPIE journals and conference proceedings. Full text is available.
University Libraries has licensed this resource for an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Engineering, Physics & Astronomy, Biological Sciences & Medicine, Geography & GISPermalink: https://www.spiedigitallibrary.org
SportDiscus with full text
International index that covers all aspects of sports, sports medicine, fitness, consumer health, nutrition, and related fields. Materials indexed include journal articles, book chapters, conference proceedings, audiovisual materials, and websites related to all aspects of sports and fitness. Provides access to over 500 full text journals.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's print or video online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Education, Health & Exercise Science, Biological Sciences & MedicinePermalink: https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?authtype=ip%2Cuid&profile=ehost&defaultdb=s3h
Springer Nature Experiments
Provides access to full text reproducible laboratory protocols in the life and biomedical sciences. This resource was formerly known as Springer Protocols.
University of Oklahoma Libraries has licensed this database for an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
For more information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Biological Sciences & MedicinePermalink: https://experiments.springernature.com/
Provides access to journals, eBooks, and other resources in science, technology, and medicine. Full text is available.
This resource has been licensed for an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
Related Subjects: Biological Sciences & Medicine, Environment, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Engineering, Geography & GIS, Physics & AstronomyPermalink: https://link.springer.com
Web of Science
Multidisciplinary index covering topics in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. It is the electronic equivalent of the Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Science Citation Index. Some full text is available.
For more information about using this database, go to the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: Anthropology, Architecture, Biological Sciences & Medicine, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Engineering, Geology & Geophysics, Mathematics, Meteorology, Physics & Astronomy, General, Environment, Geography & GISPermalink: http://webofknowledge.com/WOS
An international, multi-disciplinary catalog of books, internet resources, audio visual materials, manuscripts, maps, sound recordings and other materials held by over 20,000 libraries. Contains materials representing 400 languages.
University of Oklahoma Libraries has licensed this database for an unlimited number of simultaneous users.
For information about using this database, view the publisher's online tutorial.
Related Subjects: General, History, Biological Sciences & Medicine, Environment, Geography & GISPermalink: http://newfirstsearch.oclc.org/autho=100280646;dbname=WorldCat;FSIP