Add the OU Libraries Pages to Canvas Courses
As an instructor, you can add the OU Libraries Pages to the navigation menu to your Canvas Courses. These pages will help your students connect with OU Libraries and it's resources while they are working in your courses. If you are teaching graduate students, then you'll want to add the Graduate Resources (OU Libraries) Page. If you are teaching undergraduate students, then you'll want to add the University Libraries Page.
Open Your Course Settings

- Log into your Canvas Course.
- Click on Settings at the bottom of your left side navigation menu.
- In course Settings, click on Navigation.

Drag and Drop

- In course Navigation Tab, drag and drop the Graduate Resources (OU Libraries) Page or the University Libraries Page from the disabled pages list to the course navigation list above.
Save Navigation Settings
- Once the page has been added to the course navigation list, click on Save. You should have the either the Graduate Resources (OU Libraries) Page or the University Libraries Page added to the navigation menu.

For assistance with creating and adding e-reserves to Canvas, please contact OU Libraries Reserves Department.
For assistance adding other library resources to your Canvas course, please contact the librarian for your academic department.
For assistance adding the University Libraries page to your Canvas course or using Canvas Commons to import University Libraries resources, please contact Magen Bednar.